Monday, October 25, 2010


For all you beautiful college people who are having trouble getting all this work to go to plan. Love you all to bits and pieces, and if you believe everything will be ok, it will be!

...Another New World

So on Saturday Facebook decided to temporarily suspend my account due to violation of terms or suspicious activity or something of the likes, (?) and I havnt gotten it back yet... This does not a very happy Ciúin make, so in the meantime I am trying to distract myself with thesis writing, but that too has become tiresome (it just doesnt amuse as Facebook did? Obsession much?) and so I am creating a little entry around my isolation from the 'real' world (ok not that bad!) and posting some of the lovely (very cheap) items I have gotten in Penneys and Vita lately. I love winter clothes as I have previously mentioned, and have bought more jumpers and jackets in the last 5 weeks, than my entire life! So here is a peak into my new and improved winter wardrobe.

Josh Ritter sings, "sometimes babe we all have to wait for love..." Well Im waiting!! Maybe someone could start a get Ciúin back on Facebook campaign?? x

Cape: €12, Scarf: €6, - Penneys, T-Shirt: Present 
Cardigan: €14, Boots: €23 - Penneys
Jacket: €5 - Vita
Jumper: €12 - Penneys