So on Saturday Facebook decided to temporarily suspend my account due to violation of terms or suspicious activity or something of the likes, (?) and I havnt gotten it back yet... This does not a very happy Ciúin make, so in the meantime I am trying to distract myself with thesis writing, but that too has become tiresome (it just doesnt amuse as Facebook did? Obsession much?) and so I am creating a little entry around my isolation from the 'real' world (ok not that bad!) and posting some of the lovely (very cheap) items I have gotten in Penneys and Vita lately. I love winter clothes as I have previously mentioned, and have bought more jumpers and jackets in the last 5 weeks, than my entire life! So here is a peak into my new and improved winter wardrobe.
Josh Ritter sings, "sometimes babe we all have to wait for love..." Well Im waiting!! Maybe someone could start a get Ciúin back on Facebook campaign?? x
Cape: €12, Scarf: €6, - Penneys, T-Shirt: Present
Cardigan: €14, Boots: €23 - Penneys
Jacket: €5 - Vita
Jumper: €12 - Penneys
I want those boots. :)